Triston Line

Triston serves as the Cybersecurity Officer and Solutions Architect at the BC General Employees' Union, with a distinguished career history. He previously held the position of Senior Systems, Network, and Storage Engineer at a high-performance computing and VDI managed service provider. Triston's professional journey also encompasses roles as an IT Manager, where he dedicated himself to mentoring and supporting junior talents in the IT field.

His comprehensive skill set includes data centre migrations, disaster recovery, ransomware mitigation, and the implementation of ransomware-resistant backup solutions. Beyond his professional endeavours, Triston is passionate about volunteer work with local organizations, and he is committed to mentoring the next generation. In his personal life, Triston is happily married and enjoys outdoor activities including hiking, kayaking, and cycling, as well as traveling across the country. Triston is also dedicated to contributing to non-profit and academic research initiatives, volunteering computing resources while managing personal clusters for research and innovation.

2023 Talk

Talk Title: Moving Man in the Middle Attacks to the UI

Talk Abstract:
Over the course of several years, a for profit black hat software development firm has been producing tools to steadily make it easier and easier for hackers to compromise not only credentials, but also MFA tokens and codes. Today, we'll go over the attack flow observed in the summer of 2023 using these tools and open up a question to the audience: How can these forms of attacks be prevented? There is unlikely to be a "right answer", but there are bound to be many good answers.