About Us

BSides Vancouver Island is a community-driven event that aims to provide a platform for security professionals, enthusiasts, and learners to share their knowledge, skills, and experiences with the local and global community on Vancouver Island Our mission is to foster a culture of collaboration, innovation, and diversity in the security field, and to inspire the next generation of security leaders. We believe that security is not only a technical challenge, but also a social and ethical one, and that everyone has a role to play in making the world a safer place. By hosting an accessible, inclusive, and engaging event, we hope to create a space where people can connect, learn, and grow together.

The Security BSides movement is a global phenomenon that started in 2009 as an alternative event for cyber security professionals who could not attend or present at the more established conferences. The idea was to create a more friendly, community-driven, and interactive space for sharing knowledge, skills, and insights on various aspects of cyber security. Since then, the movement has grown exponentially, with events taking place in cities all over the world, featuring talks, workshops, villages, and competitions that cater to different interests and levels of expertise. The BSides events are organized by volunteers and supported by sponsors, and aim to showcase emerging talent, foster innovation, and build a strong sense of community among cyber security enthusiasts